Women in Leadership Positions
Women in leadership roles are top of mind these days, but overall, a significant gap exists when we drill down the data in reference to gender. Globally, women make up 40% of the working population, yet women hold only 34% of the managerial positions of the world.
In order to properly address this gap and support women to pursue leadership roles, it’s necessary to address what kind of support women in leadership need and exactly how organizations can provide that type of support.
Glass Ceiling and Broken Rung
When we think of common stereotypes of women and leadership. Hitting a “glass ceiling” isn’t the only issue women face. Yes, the glass ceiling prevents women from reaching senior leadership roles and there’s more. According to along the route to senior leadership, women face many challenges and the first step up to manager is the largest hurdle, labeled the “broken rung.”
What is the broken rung and how do companies fix it?
The broken rung results in women not advancing to leadership positions at the entry level. As a result, few women become managers. This multifaceted problem leads to significantly fewer women advancing to higher levels of leadership.
To achieve gender parity across the entire pipeline, companies must address both the broken rung and the glass ceiling. Join for a webinar on creating and supporting women leaders.
Details: March 28, 2022, 10 AM EST | Online Event